Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bad Timing

So, I've been checking out everyone's blogs and it seems that we have all been bit by the bad timing bug!! It seems that things go out at just the wrong time of year (Megan's furnace), or leave us with cold water when we are in a hurry to get somewhere (Brittany), or leave us pulling up carpet to keep from having moldy carpet (Nancy). I have to say, reluctantly, that I have been in all of your shoes recently. Yes, recently. At the beginning of December our water heater starting leaking and I was informed that we were going to have to "Get it fixed SOON!" We finally decided to get it taken care of before it went out on us and that very morning our furnace starting acting up. No heat, intermittently, for two days. Now, I've heard that things come in three's, but really!? Luckily, our furnace just needed a little TLC and was back up and working after Danny gave it a little kick (he really serviced it). Now, unfortunately, with the warmer weather we now have ocean front property! Our backyard is filling up with water and we do not have a sump pump. Even if we did, there is nowhere to pump it to. We are supposed to have an easement along our back fence, however, our "stupid" neighbor has built a high garden blocking the water from going where it's supposed to. (Down the street to the run-off drain.) I can't afford a flood in my basement, I've already replaced the carpet once. (I replaced it with outdoor carpet, very good idea if you have this problem!) I'm two seconds away from calling the city when the garbage truck comes and nearly takes out our power line because the snow is weighing it down and our garbage can is hanging vicariously from it!!! So, if you have any good luck, please send it our way. I'm done with the bad. It's somebody elses turn!

1 comment:

Megan said...

That's a bunch of crap! I'm sorry:(